Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Miss me?

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I'm back!  Kind of...

I'm sitting down at a "real" computer for a few minutes to type up a post for all my avid readers.  Typing on the ipad (which I am grateful to have for things like finding the number for places that deliver to my house, keeping up a little with facebook, and finding out where everything is) can be tedious, so I avoid it.  But, my computer is not up and running yet.  Jude's computer does well while he's off adventuring.

We are mostly unpacked. However, about half of what we brought with us is still in boxes.  Bad math?  No, there's just that much stuff that we don't really need.  Stuff that hasn't been unpacked in more than a decade. Just moved from place to place.  Most of what we need is out and available to us.

I'm loving the new house, for the most part. The kitchen is pretty tight on space, but it's workable.  The bedrooms are nice and spacious. We even have a whole room that has nothing but the piano and some random boxes.  Don't know quite what we'll do with that one yet.  The guest room is large enough that I will be able to set up a craft area in it.  Unfortunately, that's a while off, because we need to get the office set up, and I'm procrastinating finding a desk.  I want the "right" one, but I'm unimpressed by everything I've seen.

In recent events, Adelle hit the 3 month mark a week or so ago, and Elizabeth turned 5.  I hope to get some time to get some posts up soon.  I've done a few projects and I hope to get some pictures of our place up in the coming weeks.

It'll still be slow-going in terms of posting, since I'm still working out how to quite dawdling and get some real work done, aside from the fun stuff like blogging and crafting.

But!  We're Here!  Hello, Chicagoland!


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