Saturday, August 28, 2010

diaper stash

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It's almost September. I can feel the days of putting the cloth diapers on the line outside winding to a close.  I know, I still have a good 2 months of potential line drying weather, but still...

Update: added some pictures of the diapers currently, as the picture below is about 2 years old!

I thought I'd give you a peak at the diaper stash I've been hanging on my clothes line.

BumGenius One-Size 3.0 pocket diaper and microfiber inserts- 14
FuzziBunz One Size pocket diaper and microfiber inserts - 3
Green Mountain Diapers (Cloth-eeze) organic Red Edge prefolds 12
Green Mountain Diapers (Cloth-eeze) Green edge (XL/toddler) prefold - 6
unbleached premium indian prefolds - 8 (down from 12, since some have some significant wear)
4 littleweeds hemp doublers
Mother-ease sandy's fitted and airflow cover - Large
Bummis superwhisper wrap cover - 4 medium, 1 large
Bummis brights - 2 medium
thirstie wrap cover - 2 medium, 1 large
proraps cover - 1 large

This is about half of my stash pictured.

I also have a bunch of newborn or small infant sized items that are not in rotation (this is an educated guess, as I don't have immediate access to these diapers) -

green edge infant prefolds - 12
unbleached infant prefolds- 12
kissaluvs size 0 fitted diapers - 12
bummis super snap - 2 SM
bummies super whisper wrap - 2 NB  3 SM
thirsties wrap - 1 NB, 1 SM
proraps cover- 2 NB, 1 SM
Dappi covers -2 NB

I have more diapers than I actually need diaper just one child. It was just about right when I had two in cloth full-time!


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