Friday, August 27, 2010

relocated garden

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The distinct advantage of a container garden is that when I moved, my garden moved with me.

My current home is located on a hillside, surrounded on three sides by trees.  I have sun from sunrise to about 12 on the east side of the house, so I still get a good 6 hours of sun for the plants, but that's several hours less than they had at our previous residence.  I think they are managing the transition well.  I think some of the plants are actually doing better here.  The green beans had a little too much sun before - all day, plus sitting next to white painted, heat reflecting metal was a bit much. Now it's sitting on the west side of the house, where it's in the shade half the day.

My sunflowers, tomatoes and cucumber plant. I've had several small tomatoes from the three plants this summer.  All of the rain has been problematic, though - lots of split skins.  The cucumbers have been a mystery to me.  Perhaps the plants are diseased?  I've had maybe 5 cucumbers from this trio of plants all summer.  They grow only one or two at a time. I saw lots of blossoms, and then they would start growing little cucumbers, but eventually, all but one (or two) would wither and brown. This cycle happened several times. And now it's pretty much wilted and dry and dead.

Strawberries and peppers.

We've been getting a pretty steady crop of strawberries for the past several weeks.  Usually not more than a dozen berries every 4 or 5 days, but they've been nice and sweet.  Nathanael was helping me pick them today.  I picked probably 13 berries, and he ate more than half of them straight out of the box, greenery and all.  I had to save the remaining four for Elizabeth before he finished those off.

I planted a mixed variety of peppers - here you can see an orange and a yellow pepper. I don't know if what color the two remaining green peppers will turn. Maybe they're supposed to be green?  Earlier this summer, we had two purple peppers.

This is the view from my porch.  The road you see is actually my driveway, and that's still several feet above the road.  We're maybe 100 feet higher in elevation compared to our previous house.  Speaking of, you can't actually see our previous house in this photo, but you can see the roof of one of the mobile homes to the north of our old place.  It's that little strip of white just above the valley created by the treetops.  If we have water lapping at our front step here, someone had better have built an ark.

A view off the north edge of our porch, overlooking our neighbor's yard.  Our neighbors, they're awesome.  I'm glad to be back here.

And back to the garden... More strawberry plants.  I think these need to be moved to where they can get more sun. Our back porch is pretty shaded.

The herbs seem to like it, though!

I intend to plant more lettuce and spinach in the two other trough planter boxes I have.  The weather is suddenly cooler, and I think I can have a nice supply of greens into the fall.


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